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Dive Spotlight

Topic: Globalization in Pharma

It seems the world is getting smaller, as populations get larger and more citizens rise to the level of the middle class. These factors mean that there are more patients that can afford quality healthcare than ever before and that the pharmaceutical industry can no longer just concentrate on the U.S., Europe and Japan.

Each of these new global markets — from China to India to Brazil — offers pharma companies its own set of challenges, but its own set of rewards as well. For instance, the Chinese government is pulling down regulatory hurdles to make development of innovative drugs in China a reality. Meanwhile, drug manufacturers in India are working hard to become global players, but have been thwarted by continued quality control issues.

In this latest Spotlight edition, BioPharma Dive is going on a world exploration to highlight the wonders that these younger markets offer and the hurdles that lay ahead.

Lisa LaMotta
Senior Editor, BioPharma Dive



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